Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What I've been doing...

Long story short, CRAFTS.  Crafts out the ass.  Lane is about to divorce me before we even get married.  Here is a teensy glimpse into some wedding projects.  And yes, I made ALL of this stuff.  It looks kinda random and sparse, but I have a vision.  Bear with me people.

bouquets and boutineers for my peeps - rolled paper flowers and kusudama flowers
a.k.a. time consuming.

handmade pinwheels favors/decorations/send off thingies

I made lots of these on New Years Eve, so if yours doesn't spin or is crooked/hot glued together, it may or may not have been made after 5,000 several cocktails.

I am almost embarrased to say how ridiculously easy this was - especially when I know how much people pay for them on ETSY...  seriously thrilled with how it turned out.  I am now just hanging my work clothes on it.  I kid, I kid.

I made these - along with the cornhole boards - for our engagment photos that were taken last Friday (the 13th).  And yep, they're regulation size and weight.  Filled with 16 oz of pinto beans each.  Sidenote:  Baron will eat raw pinto beans that may happen to fall on the floor after escaping your funnel.

More props for the engagement photos

Part of the ceremony decor...  pretty easy too.

These what I like to call a little bit of a "repurpose" project.  I say "these"...  in this pic you can't tell that there are actually two.  Duh Katie.

And this is just a pic from a precious bar that we visited over our Christmas "break" in St. Augustine.  They only serve three types of Sangria, wine, and hot chocolate.  It was sorta perfect.

And this is the first "sneak peek" picture from the engagement photo shoot.  Can't even tell that it's 15 degrees outside. 

(p.s. Made the kite too.)


  1. I LOVE all of your projects! You are kicking crafting ass! Your wedding is going to be so gorgeous, Kates!
